拼音:guǎi zǒu英文解釋:
spirit away相關詞條:
1.kidnapp 2.kidnap相關對話:
- 那個小孩從家被偷偷拐走了。The child was spirited off from the house.
- 那個男孩兒給拐走了,想想看他父母得多傷心哪。Think how much the parents of the kidnapped boy must have suffered.
- 架著拐走walk on crutches
- 他們似乎認為我把邦聯的國庫給拐走了。They seem to think I made off with the Confederate treasury.
- 那個男孩兒給拐走了,想想看他父母得多傷心哪Think how much the parents of the kidnap boy must have suffered
- 警察抓住了那個企圖拐走這男孩以便勒索贖金的傢伙。The police caught the man who tried to abduct the boy for ransom.
- 一位老人在拄著拐走路。An old man was walking with a cane