拼音:guà gōu英文解釋:
link up with; pothook【計】 hooking
比喻兩者之間建立聯繫基層供銷社直接跟產地掛鈎 >>查看“掛鈎”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.towingeye 2.latchhook 3.suspensionclip 4.drawbar 5.pothook 6.hooker 7.temple 8.hookhitch 9.hanger 10.clasp 11.hookup 12.hasp 13.buckle 14.dropper 15.anchorbracket例句:
- 用這個專門的掛鈎把客車車廂掛上機車。Lock the carriages on the engine with this special hook.
- 玩具火車的客車車廂用專門的掛鈎掛上了機車。The carriages of the toy train lock onto the toy train with a special hook.
- 把你的外衣掛在那個掛鈎上。Hang your coat (up) on that hook.
- 我自己把手伸到身後,解開了掛鈎。The bra slides off my body.
- 有可以掛衣服的橫木和掛鈎。with rails or hooks for hanging clothes.
- 拉重幔帳的掛鈎A pullback for heavy draperies
- 文職人員退休金是與生活指數掛鈎。Civil service pension si index- link.
- (漁夫把他的船小心地安放在拖車的掛鈎上。)The fishman will position his boat on the trailor hook very cautiously.