ply; section; share in a company; stock; strand; thigh【醫】 femora; femur; mero-; thigh
【經】 section; share
股 gǔ 大腿,自胯至膝蓋的部分:股骨。股肱(亦喻左右輔助得力的人)。 事物的...>>查看“股”在國語字典中的解釋
- 腹股溝的腹股溝的,與腹股溝有關的或靠近腹股溝的Of, relating to, or located in the groin.
- 股份轉讓Transfer of the share
- 公司股利分配的規制研究Probe into the Division of Stock Bonus in Company
- 一股誘人的咖啡香味飄進了房間。An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.
- 這意味著他們將他們的股票買回並且停止出售股票給民眾。That means they buy back their stock and stop selling it to the public.
- 股份公司是現代企業的先驅。The joint-stock company was the forerunner of the modern corporation.
- 第三,我想,有很多股票的波動.Third, I want stocks that have a lot of volatility.
- 他趁著還有賺頭,趕緊從股市中退了出來。He got out of the stock market while he was still ahead of the game.