拼音:gòu zào hán shù 英文解釋:
【計】 constructed function漢語造句:
- CRM補償器必須公開公共的默認構造函式。
The CRM compensator must expose a public default constructor
- 使用嵌套構造函式來消除冗餘代碼。
Use nested constructors to eliminate redundant code.
- 調用類VhardwareInt的構造函式,指定IRQ。
The structure function of VhardwareInt-like was called to designate IRQ.
- 類構造函式不應該含有任何代碼,因為它支持“離開”。
Note that a C default constructor must not contain any code that can leave
- 默認構造函式調用父類的無參數構造函式.
The default constructor invoked the no-arg constructor of the superclass.