拼音:gǒu tóng 英文解釋:
agree without giving serious thought
輕率地表示同意 不恤乎公道之達義,偷合苟同,以持祿養者,是謂國賊也。&mdash... >>
查看“苟同”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 恕我不敢苟同,莫里森先生。
I beg to differ with you, Mr Morison.
- 恕我不敢苟同。
I venture to disagree .
- 恕我冒昧,我不敢苟同。
I take leave to differ from you.
- 不敢苟同
beg to differ; cannot agree
- 對您的決定我恐怕不能苟同。
I am afraid I have reservation about your decision.
- 很抱歉,我不敢苟同你的意見。
I’m sorry to disagree with your remark.
- 恕我對你的看法不敢苟同。
I beg to differ from you on the opinion.
- 我對閣下的意見不敢苟同。
I beg to differ from your opinion .