拼音:gōng zuò shí jiān英文解釋:
【計】 operate time; working hours【經】 hours of labour; work hours; working hour
1.activesession 2.combustiontime 3.pick-uptime 4.productiontime 5.time-card 6.workingtime 7.on-time 8.spell 9.workhour漢語造句:
- 工會發起要求減少每日工作時間的運動。The unions are campaigning for a shorter working day.
- 加班費對在正常工作時間之外做的額外工作所付的報酬Payment for additional work done outside of regular working hours.
- 我希望將來我們的工作時間會短些。I hope we'll have shorter working hours in the future.
- 我不管你工作時間以外做什麽事。I'm not concerned with what you do outside working hours.
- 我的工作時間是(從)9點到5點。My working hours are (from) 9 to 5.