- 他沒有努力工作的動力。
He hasn't much incentive to work hard.
- 她工作的時候就把小兒子送到託兒所。
She sent her little son to a nursery when she was working.
- 我很欣賞他對工作的極端專注。
I really appreciate his complete absorption in his work.
- 我父親使我明白了努力工作的重要性。
My father impressed me with the importance of hard work.
- 他的成功是勤奮工作的結果。
His success was consequent on his hard work.
- 他是去年六月開始在這裡工作的。
He started work here last June.
- 請告訴我這項工作的梗概。
Please give me a general idea of the work.
- 我願藉此機會感謝每一位為這個項目辛勤工作的人。
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.