拼音:gōng yuē英文解釋:
convention; joint pledge; pact【經】 pact
(1) (2) 機關、團體或街道居民內部擬定的供共同遵守的章程衛生公約(3) 兩... >>查看“公約”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- “雕塑家公約”個人談My Personal Views on "China Sculptor Convention"
- 領事關係公約convention on consular relations
- 國際海上貨物運輸公約conventions of international maritime transport of goods
- 擁政愛民公約pledge of supporting government and cherishing people
- 這家副食店在牆上端端正正掛著一張服務公約。There hangs straight on the wall of this grocery a service pledge.
- 和30的最大公約數為6。The greatest commondivisor of 24 and 30 is 624.
- 這就是你我之間的公約。This is a pact between us
- 國際海上人命安全公約International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 縮寫SOLAS