拼音:gōng yáng 英文解釋:
ram; tup中文解釋:
(1).《公羊傳》的簡稱。 晉 杜預 《春秋經傳集解序》:“於 丘明 之傳,有... >>
查看“公羊”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 與(母羊)交尾,用於公羊
To copulate with(a ewe). Used of a ram.
- 公羊尤其是被閹割過的公羊。
male sheep esp a castrated one
- 當他揮舞起他的兩個鐵肘時,就完全象是一頭橫衝直撞的公羊。
He is literally a battering ram with those elbows
- 農夫在農場裡養了一隻公羊,五隻母羊。
The farmer keeps one ram and five ewes on his farm.
- 公羊雄性的綿羊
A male sheep; a ram
- 雄性動物成年的雄性動物,如雄鹿、公羊、獵兔等
The adult male of some animals, such as the deer, antelope, or rabbit
- 與(母羊)交尾,用於公羊
To copulate with(a ewe) Used of a ram
- 4)成年公羊剪毛量2.96±0.72kg,成年母羊為2.24±0.81kg;
(4) Woolcut of adult ram is 2.96 ±0.72 kg, and mat of ewe is 2.24±0.81 kg.