拼音:gòng shuì英文解釋:
tribute and taxes中文解釋:
猶賦稅。《孟子·萬章上》:“天子使吏治其國而納其貢稅焉。”《後漢書·伏湛傳》... >>查看“貢稅”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 貢賦,貢稅封建封臣向封建領主支付的款項或稅金A payment or tax given by a feudal vassal to an overlord
- 貢稅為了支付貢金而徵收的稅A tax imposed for such payment
- 貢賦,貢稅封建封臣向封建領主支付的款項或稅金A payment or tax given by a feudal vassal to an overlord.
- 進貢的義務支付貢金或繳納貢稅的義務The obligation to make such a payment.
- 進貢的義務支付貢金或繳納貢稅的義務The obligation to make such a payment