拼音:gōng shì 英文解釋:
【經】 public affairs中文解釋:
(1) ∶朝廷之事;公家之事公事公辦(2) ∶公文,檔案處理公事(3) ∶案件;... >>
查看“公事”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他們那樣做只是例行公事。
They did it as a matter of routine .
- 日常辦公事務已全部委託給他的秘書代理。
The routine office work had all been delegated to his secretary.
- 這是每天的例行公事。
It is everyday routine.
- 下星期我有個公事約會。
I have a business appointment for next week.
- 一成不變的例行日常公事
The monotony of daily routine.
- 設防禦工事,設防以防禦公事加強或防護(戰略位置)
To strengthen and secure(a position) with fortifications
- 例行公事地執行給定的程式。
a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely.
- 一部例行公事的驚悚片,外加西部片的臭架子和邊邊角角
"A routine thriller, with Western frills and fringes"