拼音:gòng míng英文解釋:
resonance; sympathetic response【化】 resonance
(1) (2) 物體因共振而發聲的現象(3) 思想上或感情上的相互感染而產生的情... >>查看“共鳴”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 這首詩引起了讀者的共鳴。This poem has struck a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers
- 鈸撞擊出響亮的共鳴a resounding clash of cymbals
- 彈奏鋼琴使那些玻璃裝飾品產生了共鳴。Playing piano sets up resonance in those glass ornaments.
- 跟小說中的主人公發生共鳴Identify with the hero of a novel
- 響亮的、連續的、產生共鳴的聲響。a loud resonant repeating noise
- 那本書確實引起了我的共鳴。That book really knocks me out.
- 他覺得與所有歌頌愛情的詩人都能共鳴。He felt at one with all the poets who have sung of love.
- 發出大的共鳴的聲音。make a loud resonant noise