拼音:gōng jù dài 英文解釋:
【化】 kit; utility pouch; work bag相關詞條:
workbag 2.
kitbag 3.
workbag 4.
utilitypouch 5.
glovecompartment 6.
toolbag 漢語造句:
- 他抓起工具袋和同志們一起奔了出去。
He seized on his kit bag and ran out with his comrades.
- 我來幫你拿工具袋吧;你要累壞了!
Let me help with your kit- bag; you might fag your-self out!
- 那個鐵匠把沉沉的工具袋重重地放下。
The blacksmith planked down his heavy bag of tools.
- 鐵匠把沉沉的工具袋重重地扔在地板上。
The blacksmith planked his heave bag of tools on the floor.
- 那個管道工把他沉重的工具袋砰地一聲放在地下。
The workman plonked down his heavy bag of tools.
- 他抓起工具袋和同志們一起奔了出去。
He seized on his kit bag and ran out with his comrades.