拼音:gōng jī英文解釋:
cock; rooster中文解釋:
雄性雞 >>查看“公雞”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 把公雞閹割了,讓它成為一隻閹雞。convert a cock into a capon
- 蠅鉤上的飾毛裝飾在釣魚用蠅鉤上的一綹公雞毛A tuft of cock feathers trimming an artificial fishing fly
- 公雞:我喜歡那種能把所有人都叫醒的歌手!Rooster: The only kind of singer I like is one who wakes everybody up!
- 一聽到第一聲公雞的啼叫這位農民就起床了。The farmer gets up as soon as he hear the first cockcrow.
- 那隻公雞啄了我一下。The cock gave me a peck
- 公雞總在自家的糞堆上稱雄。(狗是百步王,只在門前狠。) 夜朗自大。A cock is valiant on his own dunghill
- 那隻公雞啄了我一下。The cock gave me a peck.
- (家禽的)冠;(尤指)公雞冠A political columnist