字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>公的的英文翻譯


拼音:gōng de


【機】 male


  1. 他們的上司作出了不公的判斷。
    Their boss made a one-sided judgement
  2. 外交官居住和辦公的地方。
    building in which diplomats live or work.
  3. 你的狗是公的還是母的
    Is your dog a he or a she
  4. 你覺得演電影《飄》中的男女主人公的演員怎么樣?
    What do your think of the actress in the the of "Gone with the Wind"?
  5. 你的貓是公的還是母的?
    Is your cat a he or a she
  6. 中世紀君主,王公的戰士騎士團的模範人物;英雄的戰士
    A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion
  7. 適應經常出差,接受在家辦公的工作。
    Willing to travel extensively and work on a home-office base
  8. 這位候選人給人一種廉潔奉公的印象。
    The candidate have a mrclean image
