拼音:gōng chǎng英文解釋:
workshop【經】 shop; workshop
(1) ∶工人工作的場所(2) ∶指有若干助手或藝徒投入力量製作由師傅署名的作品... >>查看“工場”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.plant 2.shopfloor 3.hacienda中英例句:
- 房屋後面的一間小屋被改建成工場。A shed at the back of the house was fitted up as a workshop.
- 製革業製革工的行業、工作或工場The trade, work, or shop of a currier
- 製革業製革工的行業、工作或工場The trade, work, or shop of a currier.
- 房屋後面的一間小屋被改建成工場。A shed at the back of the house was fitted up as a workshop
- 甚至工場手工業也不再能滿足需要了。Even manufacture no longer sufficed.
- 鐵匠從工場出來安裝馬蹄鐵。The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horse shoe.