拼音:gè zì英文解釋:
- 據說他是一個自私而又吝嗇的人,沒人願意幫助他。He is said to be a cheap skate and nobody likes to help him.
- 對他們保留一個自然反應。Respond to them in a natural way.
- 一 個自稱的歷史學家a professed historian
- 我又能像個自由人一樣呼吸了。Once again I breathed as a free man
- 他不過是一個自命不凡的人而已。He is nothing but a stuffed shirt
- 我又能像個自由人一樣呼吸了。Once again I breathed as a free man.
- 你是個自我激勵的人嗎?Are you a self starter
- 每個自旋網路就像一張快照,即宇宙中某個凍結的瞬間。Each spin network resembles a snapshot, a frozen moment in the universe