拼音:gē qiǎn de英文解釋:
hard and fast相關詞條:
- 遇難船的殘骸嚴重毀壞而擱淺的船體The stranded hulk of a severely damaged ship.
- 擱淺的船a stranded ship
- 擱淺的輪船;在岸邊擱淺的輪船A ship that ran aground; a ship aground offshore
- 卡爾說,在碼頭附近幾米處發現了一條擱淺的大鯨魚。Carl said that a big whale was found beached a few meters from the dock
- 遇難船的殘骸嚴重毀壞而擱淺的船體The stranded hulk of a severely damaged ship
- 新的世代拋棄前一代的業績,好像它們是些擱淺的船。One generation abandons the enterprises of another like stranded vessels.