拼音:gēn jīng英文解釋:
rootstock【醫】 rhizoma; rhizome; rootstock
植物地下莖的一種,一般呈長形,橫著生長在地下,外形像根,有節,沒有根冠而有頂芽。... >>查看“根莖”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.rhizocaul 2.rootstalk 3.rootstock漢語造句:
- 這些人靠漿果和根莖勉強度日。These people live from hand to mouth on berries and roots.
- 1齡根莖是在生長季中期開始形成的。The 1st age class rhizome emerges at mid of growing season.
- 姜根這種植物的根莖,常被弄乾磨成粉作為調味品The rhizome of this plant, often dried and powdered and used as a spice
- 木本植物的根莖長得很深。The roots of woody plants grow deep.
- 多年生的大屬由帶根莖或根莖草本植物生成。large genus of perennials that develop from bulbs or rhizomes.
- 蔓延生長許多植物的根莖等在地底下橫向生長To grow horizontally under the ground, as the rhizomes of many plants.