拼音:gēn chú英文翻譯
eliminate; eradicate; deracinate; extirpate; pull up by the roots; rootthoroughly do away with; uproot
【醫】 eradication
1.eradication 2.uproot 3.knockthehindsightout 4.kickthehindsightout 5.knockthehindsightoff 6.kickthehindsightoff 7.pullupbytheroots 8.rootup 9.deracinate 10.rootout 11.wipeout 12.rootaway 13.extirpate 14.unroot 15.uprootal 16.exsect例句:
- 如果你想過安寧的日子,就得根除這種惡行。If you want to lead a quiet life, you must lay the axe to the root of the evil.
- 他們力圖根除罪惡。They attempted to eradicate crime.