拼音:gēn bù 英文解釋:
【化】 root (of weld)中文解釋:
(1) ∶ 充分發育了的根系統;牢固的生根(2) ∶覆蓋結構程式的主段或控制段。... >>
查看“根部”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
root 2.
rhizine 相關對話:
- 胚根,小根能長成根部的植物胚部分
The part of a plant embryo that develops into a root
- (在植物根部)培土
To cover(a plant) with a mound of soil.
- 甲根部以遠的斷指再植術:121指療效分析
Replantation of fingers cut off beyond nail root: a report of 121 fingers
- 他被吩咐不可把樹苗根部周圍的土踩硬。
He was told not to tread the earth round the roots of the seedling.
- 吐水作用由於根部壓力使葉片向外滲水的現象
The exudation of water from leaves as a result of root pressure.
- 纏繞在滾筒周圍的根部縫製在一起的毛巾。
a towel with the ends sewn together, hung on a roller.
- 在苗圃里,通常把樹苗掘起,暫時用土覆蓋根部。
In nurseries, fruit trees are often taken up and heeled in.
- 甘薯根部的小土堆
a hill of potatoes