拼音:gé bì de英文解釋:
1.next-door 2.septal漢語造句:
- 由於爭辯變得么火氣騰騰,以至隔壁的婦人著人去叫消防隊。The argument became so heated that the woman next door sent for the fire brigade.
- 隔壁的一家人從早到晚都要開收音機。The people next door play their radio from morning till night.
- 來幫助我們的是隔壁的鄰居。Help arrived in the shape of our next-door neighbours.
- 隔壁的孩子吵得我睡不著覺。他整夜哭個沒完The baby next door kept me awake. It cried all night.
- 隔壁的立體聲音響要把我們耳朵震聾。We're being deafened by next door's stereo.