拼音:gāo sù gōng lù英文解釋:
freeway; speedway; thruway【法】 speed way
供汽車高速行駛的公路。一般能適應120公里以上的時速。禁止行人或非機動車在路上行... >>查看“高速公路”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.freeway 2.thruway 3.speedway 4.throughway 5.motorway 6.autoroute 7.autobahn 8.expressway 9.ghspeedhighway 10.expressway 11.expresshighway 12.superhighway相關對話:
- 各公司應邀投標承建新高速公路。Firms were invited to tender for the construction of the new motorway.
- 他遲到是因高速公路上車輛過多所致。His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway.
- 這條高速公路建於1985年。This express way was built in 1985.
- 明年將要修建一條超級高速公路。A superhighway will be constructed next year.
- 那車在高速公路上飛速行駛。The car is whizzing along the motorway.
- 我們應該在下一個立體交叉道駛離高速公路。We should leave the motorway at the next interchange.
- 這條公路是高速公路的延伸。This road is a continuation of the motorway.
- 那條高速公路上車禍發生得越來越頻繁。Accidents on that highway are happening with increasing frequency.