拼音:gāo jí zhí yuán 英文解釋:
【經】 officer; staff executive; superior official中文解釋:
高薪、高位的職工 >>
查看“高級職員”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他是世界銀行的一個高級職員。
He works as a senior official in the World Bank
- 高級職員有招待外國賓客的津貼。
Senior staff get an allowance for the entertainment of foreign visitors.
- 瓊斯先生是公司的高級職員。
Mr.Jones is the senior member of the firm.
- 他打電話給另外一家連鎖機構高級職員,那人曾經寫過一本有關連鎖性百貨公司的書。
He called in another executive who had written a book on chain stores
- 破格提拔為了提升更多的低級職員而越過一些高級職員
To bypass a senior employee in order to promote a more junior employee.
- 全國汽車比賽協會的一名高級職員的丈夫和一間公司的駕駛員罹難。
The husband of a top NASCAR official and a company pilot are among the dead
- 他父親是那家銀行的高級職員。
His father was a senior officer at the bank
- 破格提拔為了提升更多的低級職員而越過一些高級職員
To bypass a senior employee in order to promote a more junior employee