拼音:gào cí 英文解釋:
take leave中文解釋:
原指向主人辭別,現在通用指辭別很有禮貌地向女士們告辭 >>
查看“告辭”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
conge 2.
takeone'sleave 3.
leave-taking 4.
leavetaking 漢語造句:
- 我正在要告辭了。
I am going to leave now.
- 她說時間不早了;我心領神會,於是?em>媧恰?
She said it was getting late: I got the message, and left.
- 他不顧同事的勸告辭了職。
He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned.
- 我得告辭了。
I must be off now.
- 伊阿古主帥,我告辭了。(欲去。)
Iago. My lord, I take my leave.
- 大部分客人都告辭了,他還留在那裡。
He stayed on after most of the guests had taken their leave.
- 然後我們就(向他們)告辭了。
Then we took our leave .
- 我要向你告辭了。
I have a long way to go.