- 我們需要從消費者那裡多得到些反饋信息以提高產品質量。
We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods.
- 我們如何才能使我們的工人的高產量呢?
How can we urge our workers to greater production?
- 利率的提高產生了抑制消費的作用。
The rise in interest rates acted as a brake on expenditure
- 歐洲鰻鱺精養高產技術研究
High-yield Technique for Intensive Culture of European Eel
- 濱海沙地馬鈴薯種植和高產研究
Study on the Cultivation and High Yield of Potatoes in Coastal Sandy Soil
- 他們正在研究播種高產草料的問題。
They are looking into the sowing of high-yielding grasses.
- 最高產量;最高產值
the peak of production