拼音:gān xǐ英文解釋:
用汽油等有機溶劑除去衣服、器物上的污垢的洗滌方法 >>查看“乾洗”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.dryclean 2.dryclean 3.drycleanse中英例句:
- 我有兩套衣服要送到洗衣店去乾洗。I have two suits to send to the cleaners.
- 金牛座:忘了把絲製床單拿去乾洗店清洗。Taurus forgot to pick up their silk sheets at the dry cleaner.
- 請您把衣服拿去乾洗。Would you care to send this dress for drycleaning.
- 這套衣服需要乾洗,這幾件襯衫需水洗。This suit needs dry cleaning and these shirt are to be washed.
- 需要乾洗的織物a fabric for which dry cleaning is indicated
- 是濕洗還是乾洗,先生?Wet or dry shampoo, sir?