拼音:gān kū 英文解釋:
dried-up; dry rot; sear; withered; wizened
(1) (2) 草木衰亡,失去水分地上落滿了乾枯的樹葉(3) 皮膚乾燥且皺縮(4... >>
查看“乾枯”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
shrivel 2.
wizened 3.
withered 例句:
- 舊井乾枯以後被人用磚堵上了。
The old well was bricked up when it ran dry.
- 那口老井漸漸乾枯了,所以他不得不挖一口新井。
The old well was getting dry, so he had to put down a new one.
- 乾枯,枯萎因或似乎因失去水分而變乾燥或枯萎
To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture.
- 在沙漠的太陽下,我們像蛇一樣乾枯。
We wither like snakes under the dessert sun.
- 沙漠邊緣上乾枯的植物
sere vegetation at the edge of the desert
- 河都開始乾枯了。
The rivers were beginning to run dry.
- 秋天的空氣使樹葉乾枯,很快就要落下來啦。
The autumn air has crisped up the leaves ready to fall.