拼音:gǎn jué chí dùn英文解釋:
【醫】 disesthesia; dysaesthesia; dysesthesia; hebetudo sensuum; hypersthesiaobtusion
1.hypaesthesia 2.asthickskinnedasanelephant 3.dysaesthesia 4.dysesthesia 5.disesthesia 6.hebetude 7.bradyesthesia 8.obtuseness 9.insipience 10.insensitivity 11.haveathickskin 12.haveathinskin例句:
- 反應遲鈍的,感覺遲鈍的。blunted in responsiveness or sensibility.
- 粗魯而且感覺遲鈍的人的行為方式。the manner of a rude or insensitive person
- 對病人的需要感覺遲鈍。insensitive to the needs of the patients.
- 粗魯而且感覺遲鈍的人的行為方式。the manner of a rude or insensitive person.