拼音:gān hé 英文解釋:
dry; dry up; run dry中文解釋:
沒有水的夏季的淺塘乾涸現象 >>
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atebb 中英例句:
- 上帝說:“天下之水要匯於一處,使乾涸土地顯露!”於是就出現土地。
God said, "Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear"; and so it was.
- 按現在的消耗速度,三十年左右現在的油井就會乾涸。
The oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.
- 井乾涸了。
The well had gone dry.
- 這條小河溝幾乎乾涸了。
The small brook nearly dried up.
- 乾涸乾涸;枯萎或皺縮
To dry up; wither or shrivel.
- 想想我們乾涸的大西北,請珍惜每一滴水。
Think of dry northwest of China, please save water.
- 湖泊出現,又乾涸,留下由富含鹽份殘留物形成的平坦區域。
Lakes appeared and then dried out, leaving a flat expanse of salty residue
- 湖泊出現,又乾涸,留下由富含鹽份殘留物形成的平坦區域。
Lakes appeared and then dried out, leaving a flat expanse of salty residue.