拼音:gǎn guāng 英文解釋:
(1) ∶照相膠片、相紙等受光的照射而起化學變化(2) ∶在可見光範圍內對光波... >>
查看“感光”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
lightsensation 2.
photoreception 相關對話:
- 鐵版照相直接在用感光底片上了光的鐵盤上製成的相片正像
A positive photograph made directly on an iron plate varnished with a thin sensitized film.
- 在(文獻)資料複製機中,感光材料曝光以後的處置,以顯現和保留圖象。
In a document copying machine, the treatment of sensitized material after exposure so as to reveal and to retain the image.
- 感光性對光的敏感和感應性
Sensitivity or responsiveness to light.
- 透光的;感光的,受光的
Penetrated by or receiving light.
- 感光材料工業發展史
history of photographic material industry
- 如果能夠在一間像皇家馬德里的俱樂部工作,我會深感光榮。”
I would be honoured to work in a club like Real Madrid
- 鹵化銀感光材料的沖洗
processing of silver halide photographic material
- 攝影膠片或感光板所受光的強度。
the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate