拼音:gàn diào 英文解釋:
do for; finish off; kill; spifflicate中文解釋:
(1) ∶指用武力或暴力殺戮的辦法來消滅、除掉無情地幹掉該政權的一切反對派(2)... >>
查看“幹掉”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
spifflicate 2.
dry 3.
todoawaywith 4.
[colloq]todoin 例句:
- 這些槍手的背景各種各樣,幹事情的方式也不相同,但都有個共同的特點:他們都是殺手。他們不管三七二十一,往往先把人幹掉再說,儘量不冒險。
Such gunfighters came from various backgrounds, approached their jobs differently, but all shared one characteristic: they were killers. They tended to shoot first and ask questions afterwards and they did their best to take no chances.
- 綁匪們威脅說,如果吉姆不把收藏秘密檔案的地點說出來,便要把他幹掉。
The kidnappers threatened to bump Jim off if he did not tell them where the secret papers were hidden.
- 別把麵包放在桌子上,它會幹掉的。
Don't leave the bread on the table; it will dry out.
- 他們一直在謀劃一個幹掉他的萬全之策。
They have been snaking about a perfectly safe way of doing him away
- 歹徒頭目決定要將告密者用汽車綁架去幹掉。
The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride
- 他叫布魯諾去幹掉馬克斯。
He told Bruno to take care of Max.
- 粘稠的泡沫已在他唇上幹掉。
R-froth had dried on his lips
- 他們一直在謀劃一個幹掉他的萬全之策。
They have been snaking about a perfectly safe way of doing him away.