拼音:gǎi xié guī zhèng英文解釋:
give up evil and return to good中文解釋:
棄惡從善;從壞變好 這幾個人既在水面上安身不牢,又不肯改邪歸正跟隨施巡按,便改旱... >>查看“改邪歸正”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 他希望改邪歸正,過體面的生活。He wishes to straighten up and lead a respectable life.
- 使某人改邪歸正reclaim somebody from a life of vice
- 他現在改邪歸正了。He is on the straight now.
- 法官的警告定能使他改邪歸正。A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out
- 有些吸毒者已改邪歸正了。Some of the heads became very, very straight.
- 法官的警告定能使他改邪歸正。A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out.