字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>蓋上的英文翻譯


拼音:gài shàng


【機】 blank off; cover


  1. 你能幫我把這個蓋上嗎?
    Can you give me a hand to cover this?
  2. 蓋上戳印作為郵資的標誌。
    stamp with a meter indicating the postage
  3. 他在帳單上蓋上了“付訖”字樣。
    He stamped "paid" on a bill.
  4. 他把桶蓋上了。
    He headed up the casks.
  5. 他們給孩子蓋上毯子。
    They covered the baby with a blanket
  6. 小的可以在膝蓋上用的電腦。
    a computer small enough to use in your lap.
  7. 使寒心變得蓋上或象是蓋了一層霜
    To become covered with or as if with frost.
  8. 他把紙板放到罐子蓋上
    He puts the cardboard on top of the jar.
