拼音:fù zhù英文解釋:
annotations【計】 pragmatic remark
【經】 footnotes; remarks
文章、書刊等末尾用來補充說明或解釋正文的文字 >>查看“附註”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.explanatorynote 2.note 3.footnotes相關對話:
- 附註列在一篇文章、一個章節或一本書尾的註解,對文中指定部分做評論或引述參考書A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
- 那學生查閱了百科全書中的所有餘引附註直到找到他想知道的東西。The student follow out all the index references in the encyclopedia until he found what he wanted to know.
- 關於會計報表附註信息披露的若干思考The Exposal of Annotation Information in Account Report Forms
- 章末的附註notes appended to a chapter
- 附註列在一篇文章、一個章節或一本書尾的註解,對文中指定部分做評論或引述參考書for a designated part of the text
- 有旁徵博引附註的論文A thesis crowded with references to other sources
- 中期會計報表附註的披露與分析Issuance and Analysis of Interim Accounting Report Annotations