拼音:fù yìn英文翻譯
copy; duplicate; xerox【電】 copy
1.manifolding 2.copying 3.xerox 4.reprography 5.officeprinting 6.process 7.xeroxing 8.runoff 9.duplication例句:
- 你把議事日程表給(我)複印二十份好嗎?Could you run (me) off twenty copies of the agenda?
- 請你把這封信複印一份好嗎?Could you Xerox this letter please?
- 我比較了複印件和原件,但是差別不是很大。I compared the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.
- 該圖表的複印件很精確。The diagram had been copied with great precision.
- 請為我複印一下這封信好嗎?Would you copy this letter for me, please?