拼音:fú yì英文解釋:
enlist in army; serve; trail a pike【法】 serve
(1) ∶服兵役服役期滿(2) ∶舊時指服苦役,服勞役 >>查看“服役”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 英美海軍的水兵在美國或英國海軍服役的人;海軍An enlisted person in the U.S. or British Navy; a sailor.
- 如果戰爭爆發, 我們將立即被徵召服役。If war breaks out, we shall be called up right away
- 她有個子在海軍服役。She has a nephew in the navy
- 新兵徵召軍官讓吉姆簽約在軍中服役四年。The recruiting officer signed Jim up for a four-year hitch.
- 英美海軍的水兵在美國或英國海軍服役的人;海軍An enlisted person in the US or British Navy; a sailor
- 我的意思是,結束這最後的服役期後,我不會再加入海軍了。I mean when I finish this last hitch, not to ship over.
- 一個民兵成員;僅在緊急情況下服役。a member of the militia; serves only during emergencies.
- 廓爾喀兵在英國或印度軍隊中服役的這個種族的成員A member of this people serving in the British or Indian armies.