拼音:fú yǎng英文解釋:
bring up; foster【法】 maintain; provide; take care of
(1).猶撫養。撫育教養。 漢 劉向 《列女傳·魏芒慈母傳頌》:“慈惠仁義,... >>查看“扶養”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.maintain 2.keeping 3.provide 4.sustain 5.support(saddle)相關對話:
- 我有妻子和兩個小孩要扶養。I have a wife and two children to support.
- 我是姑姑扶養大的。I was brought up by my paternal aunt.
- 他有妻兒老小要扶養。He has a wife and family depending on him
- 他有三個孩子要扶養。He had three children to support.
- 他拋棄了妻子,讓她一人扶養孩子。He walked out on the wife leaving her to bring up the children alone.
- 她需要扶養她的雙親。She has to support her parents.