拼音:fù yán英文解釋:
P.S.; postscript【經】 postscript
在已完成作品(如一封信、一篇文章或一本書)後而附加的一個或一系列注釋,通常表示一... >>查看“附言”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.PS 2.obiterdictum漢語造句:
- 女人除了在信尾的附言里之外,絕少寫出她的真心。A woman seldom write her mind but in her postscript.
- 他在信中加上附言,寫上了他愛她。As a postscript to his letter he added that he loved her.
- 他的信末又是一貫的浪漫附言。There was the usual romantic postscript at the end of his letter.
- 信後附言the postscript of [to] a letter
- 附言:我當然是個外國人。BTW, yes, I am a foreigner.
- 在一封信的結尾處,人們常常要寫上附言。At the end of a letter, people always write a postscript.
- 信後附言the postscript of a letter