拼音:fǔ xù英文解釋:
comfort and compensate a bereaved family【法】 comfort and compensate
對因戰或因公致傷、致殘和犧牲以及病故人員的家屬給予物質上的幫助和精神上的安撫 >>查看“撫恤”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 撫恤死難工人家屬的基金會即將建立起來。A fund will be set up for the dead men's families.
- 他領有一筆政府發的傷殘撫恤金。He has a disability pension from the government
- 領退休金或撫恤金的人One who receives a pension
- 如果你把他的撫恤金拿走了,他還有什麼收入呢?If you take away his pension. what remains of his income?
- 她領取政府發的傷殘撫恤金。She gets a disability pension from the government
- 付給死者受益人的保險或撫恤金。insurance or pension money payable to a beneficiary of a deceased