字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>服務員的英文翻譯 “服務員”的日文翻譯


拼音:fú wù yuán


【計】 S


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  1. 每個人一會兒就有服務員照顧了。
    Everybody got waited on in a short time
  2. 服務員: 從屯溪坐汽車到黃山非常方便。
    From Tunxi it is very convenient to go to Mount Huangshan by bus.
  3. 他們從汽車裡走出來時,一位服務員走上前去迎接。
    As they stepped out of the car, an attendant came up to greet them.
  4. 在貴國依照慣例是否應該付給服務員小費?
    Is it customary to tip waiters in your country
  5. 他為服務員漫不精心的態度大為惱火。
    He filmed at the casualness of the Waiter
  6. 我當服務員一晚上能掙20英鎊左右
    I can earn 20 a night, more or less, as a waiter
  7. 服務員用繃帶將他的手包紮起來。
    The waitress put a bandage round his hand
  8. 我假期在賓館裡幹活兒,當服務員
    I got holiday jobs in guesthouses, waiting on tables.
