- 問候,親愛的人們,我是磁性服務的克里昂。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
- (給予值得讚賞的服務的)義務之外的獎賞。
an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation.
- 現代參考服務的質量評價探析
The study of quality evaluation in modem reference service
- 對只得稱讚的服務的承認。
a recognition of meritorious service.
- 他富有為公眾服務的精神。
He is endued with a spirit of public service.
- 寬頻IP網路SLA服務的實施建議
Proposal on Implementation of SLA Service for IP Network
- 尤指軍事服務的期限
A term of service, especially of military service
- 面向服務的軟體架構SOA及其支撐技術的研究
Research on SOA and Its Supporting Technologies