- 古希臘服飾風格的魅力
Charm of Dress Adornment of Ancient Greece
- 阿伊努族服飾紋樣之探究
Investigations on the Clothing Patterns of Ainu Nationality
- 服裝,衣著服裝、盛裝;服飾
Clothing or array; apparel.
- 男子服飾用品男子服飾用品店出售的貨物和商品
The goods and wares sold by a haberdasher
- 裝備,配備裝備或服飾的附屬物
Ancillary items of equipment or dress.
- 設計或供應服飾(為表演或化裝)的人。
someone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade).
- 法官戴了假髮和全套代表他那個地位的服飾。
The judge wore a wig and all the trappings of his position
- 彩格服飾以彩格圖案的衣服
Cloth with a tartan or checked pattern.