拼音:fù hé英文解釋:
check【經】 adjust accounts; checked by; double-check; recheck; verified by
①審查核對:把報告裡面的數字~一下。 ②法院判處死刑案件的特定司法程式。在我國指... >>查看“覆核”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.compoundnucleus 2.intermediatenucleus 3.checkedby 4.checking 5.recheck中英例句:
- 複查,覆核對前面檢查的正確性進行確定或否認的東西Something that confirms or denies the correctness of a previous check.
- 讓我們把打算邀請的人的名單覆核一下。Let's check off the names of the people to be invited.
- 網上反饋覆核賣方.Review the online feedback on a seller.
- 每月覆核各項財務工作並向FC報告。Monthly review the situation and report to FC.
- 龔嘴大壩壩體斷面設計覆核Re-check of Dam Sections Design for Gongzui Dam
- * 聯合國外聘審計委員會覆核帳目。* The Board of External Auditors goes over the accounts.
- 進行覆核To make a double check