bear; tote; shoulder; suffer; minus; negative; owe; rely on; lose【醫】 Lift
1.tote 2.routing例句:
- 司機應該對這場車禍負部分責任。The driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident.
- 英格蘭隊負於澳大利亞隊。England lost to Australia.
- 姑不論勝負,這場比賽想必十分精彩。Win or lose, it should be a very good match.
- 他因自小失去雙親,總覺得處處受人欺負。Having lost both his parents when he was a child he always felt that the dice were loaded against him.
- 要由新娘的父母來負擔婚禮所需的費用嗎?Do the bride's parents have to bear the cost of the wedding?