拼音:fèn wài英文解釋:
especially; particularly中文解釋:
本分以外我的工作不分分內和分外 >>查看“分外”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 我們只有一少部分外文書。We have only a small percentage of foreign books
- 她的服裝式樣使得她的身材顯得分外勻稱。The cut of her dress shows off her figure to perfection.
- 老同學聚會在一起, 分外親熱。The meeting of the old classmates was extremely cordial.
- 月到中秋,分外想你。The mid-autumn, particularly to you.
- 大部分外國人都用醫療保險來付。Most foreigners have insurance to pay for treatment.
- 我們只有一少部分外文書。We have only a small percentage of foreign books.