- 篦條篩用於篩選粉碎的礦石並分級的有孔鐵板或鐵篩
A perforated iron plate or screen for sieving and grading crushed ore
- 篦條篩用於篩選粉碎的礦石並分級的有孔鐵板或鐵篩
A perforated iron plate or screen for sieving and grading crushed ore.
- 凹凸棒石粘土助磨超細粉碎的研究
Study on super-milling of attapulgite by milling aid
- 在白令海上不時有將船隻砸個粉碎的暴風雨出現,傳為奇談。
The storms that routinely batter ships on the Bering Sea are legendary.
- 我痛苦地看著這個破得粉碎的花瓶。
I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces
- 1968年,當布拉格起義被粉碎的時候,我們又一次麻木不仁。
Again we were paralyzed in 1968 when the Prague uprising was crushed.