拼音:fén shāo英文解釋:
burn; flame; set on fire【醫】 conflagration
燒毀,燒盡千錘萬鑿出深山,烈火焚燒若等閒。——明&mid... >>查看“焚燒”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 布朗燃燒器在控氣式熱裂解焚燒爐中的套用Application of Brown Burner on Air Controlled Incinerator
- 裝備只得被用作燃料焚燒。Equipment had to be burned for fuel.
- 流化床中RDF焚燒時CO、SO_2和HCl的生成Formation of CO, SO_2 and HCl during RDF incineration in a fluidized bed
- 書8:28約書亞將艾城焚燒、使城永為高堆、荒場、直到今日。So Joshua burned Ai and made it a heap forever, a desolation until this day
- 焚燒原野以促進新植物生長Burning the field to encourage new plant growth.
- 32剩下的肉和餅,你們要用火焚燒。Then burn up the rest of the meat and the bread.
- 城市廢棄物的CFB焚燒和氣化特性試驗Co-gasification and Co-firing Characteristics of Municipal Waste on CFB
- 在葬禮儀式中用來焚燒屍體的木頭堆。wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite