字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分散的的英文翻譯


拼音:fēn sàn de


disperse; dispersive; disrupt; split; sporadic
【計】 decentral; decentralized; scattered
【醫】 discrete; disperse


  1. 顏料是不能溶解的,所以請選擇易分散的墨水。
    Pigment is insolvable. So choose the ink which is easily dispersable.
  2. 他的土地被分割成相當分散的幾小塊。
    His land is split up into several widely scattered plots.
  3. 分散的、地方化的行政權力。
    a decentralized and localized political authority
  4. 對某組中分散的元素的合理又容易理解的排列。
    logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements of a group
  5. 思想不集中,分心注意力分散的行為或狀態
    The act of distracting or the condition of being distracted
  6. 重新集合重新聚集,如分散的部隊
    A reassembling, as of dispersed troops.
  7. 分開的,分散的分開的或保持分開狀的;分離的
    Being or kept apart; separated.
  8. 安靜的未受打擾的或注意力被分散的
    Not disturbed or distracted.
