字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>分遣的英文翻譯


拼音:fēn qiǎn


detach; detachment


分別派遣。《史記·大宛列傳》:“ 騫 因分遣副使使 大宛 、 康居 、 大月氏... >>查看“分遣”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 分遣小艦隊
    a detached squadron
  2. 由十名士兵組成的分遣隊留在後面看守囚犯。
    A detachment of ten men remained behind to guard the prisoners.
  3. 由十名士兵組成的分遣隊留在後面看守囚犯。
    A detachment of ten men remain behind to guard the prisoner
  4. 分遣隊使用牽制戰術,阻止敵軍前進。
    The detachments made use of diversionary tactics to stand the enemy off.
  5. 軍隊藉著由外國士兵組成的大分遣隊而增強了。
    The army has been strengthened by a large contingent of foreign soldiers.
  6. 由十名士兵組成的分遣隊留在後面看守囚犯。
    A detachment of ten men remained behind to guard the prisoners
  7. 分遣隊為全體之努力而作出貢獻的部分或配額,如部隊的分遣
    A share or quota, as of troops, contributed to a general effort
  8. 分遣隊,特遣艦隊被分遣的部分
    The unit so dispatched.
